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hari esok hari raya....
it means dh abis la pose...ala kjap nyer pose..rase xpuas plak aku puase blan ni..ceh riak hopefully next year bleh jmper ramadhan lg..bye bulan ramadhan iam gonna miss u so much..n cnt wait to see u next year..
seems esok dh nk raya sume org maen bg aku mercun pon xsentuh xtau r naper..
xde mood kot..xmcm tahun lpas aku pantang nmpak mercun..
hurm..pelita dh pasang..sume dh psng mood raye still xde lg..
nper ek..mesti raye tahun ni bosan bg aku..
we will see about that...
so SElAmAt HaRI RaYA....
jmpe di laen waktu..heheh
yesterday aku ade cter kn iphone aku brick..
today aku nk bg tau ph aku dh ok...yahooo..yepii..bestnyer..
thankz to syauqi the troubleshoot guy best ever hehe..
hope he didnt know i write this..
klu die tau mesti kembang gler r mat tu..hhaha...
lpas ni xde r aku ssh ati pk psal phone aku....
see..its workin..n its been upgrade to 2.1 firware..thankz oki..huhu..
neway raya comin soon....malam 7 likur bru je lpas mlm td..hehehe..umah aku pnuh dgn lampu..
kre mcm pertandingan lampu terbanyak kat umah hehe...biase r tu adat..mlm 7 likur je mesti org psng aku xphm ape purpose die..
neway kadang2 lawak gak.. thun ni jiran depan umah aku mcm nk lawan jer ngan family ktorg psl lmpu cz..ble ktorg psg lmpu..
mesti dorg nk psng tp psg yg mlampau r..lg bnyak dri umah aku..
neway tu bkan r tujuan family aku ltak
lmpu bnyak2..just nk amik mood raye jer b4 ktorg nk raye n blik jiran dpan umah ku tu
xde kmpong..heheh cian dorg..
xsabar nk raye...nntikan cter raya ku..huhu
fuh ari ni aku rase lega sket r psal iphone aku tu..
cz my fwen willing to help me..
yeah syauqi..
jap gi aku nk jmpe die nk fixed iphone aku yg mengong ni..
hope he can help me..
ble pone aku dh ok bru r aku btol2 relief r..
so wana knw the result??
just wait my next post..we ll see the result...
argh tension nyer mlm ni...
hp aku wat hal..
nyesal aku update iphone aku td..
aku dh agak dh mesti de somethin xkne nnti ble aku update..
then kan btol per yg ku imagine tol2 jd..sial r..
xkan r raye ni aku xde pki hp,,
dh r hp mahal..xkan nk tyang jer kot..ish...tgl bper hari jer lagi nk raye ni...
hope i cn fixed the problem..hope so..
n i wish..
i am back...huhu..
its been 3 days pekse aku abis since last friday...n i cn take a deep breath..
witout worried wat am goin to read for tomorow..n prepared my schdule like have to woke up early in da mornink..
n wat i cn sleep late at nite...woke up late in the evenin..heheh
hurm..xlame lg hari raya comin soon i just cn wait to clbrate it...just a few week left before raya..
rase mcm bulan lpas jer sambut raye dh nk sambut balik...
neway kehangatan raye tu xlah aku rase sngat mcm aku kecik2 dulu...nowadays aku kne prepare not to get to
emotional cz am affraid nnti klu ade rezeki ku nk pg oversea raye kat oversea mesti sadis gle r...
hahah...hurm think
thats all for today....
2morow is my last paper exame 4 this week...
but me still drowning with all the stuff that nt really important...careless with my needs..
huh..for god a sake please make me realize i got an exam 2mrw...
what iam doin..craps's..
i didn't prepare yet..even read a book...
just wait n see the result..
y iam doin this??...
I THink BeTtEr i GET My b00ks noW!!!