Wednesday, September 17, 2008

TrAGEdi 13 SePTemBEr

where should i start...

last week on Saturday morning aku exited gler nk balik r cz its been
2 weeks ku xbalik sjak ku pekse...
pada hari tu ku ingat xde pape yg jadi bile aku blik...bleh r
aku rehat lpak kat umah n evrythin r..

so slpas 30 minit ku kat kerete with my mom at last smpi gak ku kat umah...
cam biase r ble smpi umah ku angkat barang ku yg de kat kereter...then ku trus lpak kat dpan tv..sudenly parents ku cam kelam kabut..rushing for somthin..ku tnyer y?? wats wrng..
then they said..nk tgk sepupu ko..n i said y?? whats wrong wit him??... n my dad said his unconciuos so then ku pon per lg follow r dorg pg umah untie aku...
so ble aku smpi jer umah untie aku..untie aku dh menangis n kakak cousin ku tu..
in that moment am feli
n somthin bad will gona be then ku tros msok ke rumah die msok..
then my dad tryin to woke him up..but its nt workin..then my dad soh aku cll the doctor...
aku dgn cpat capai kunci ambik doctor dkat kawasan umah aku tu..
then after 15 minit..aku n doctor tu pon smpi..n doctor tu jlnkn r tgung jawab die check my the meentime untie aku dh mcm org gle meraung-raung xtentu r mne xnyer suami die xsmpi stahun pergi tgalkn die sbb kemalangan now anak bongsu die pulak cm tu..
doctor tu mcm2 die wat,die tkan jantung n evrythin r..n mak a
ku tnyer kat doctr tu did he still have the pulse??(nadi) mak ku tnyer dlm nada yg plahan so mak die xde r dgr..
doctor tu kter DH XDE PULSE..oh my god in that time we was shoked,,adek beradek die n including my dad..
tp ktorg xwat assumptions yg die dh xde...then doctor tu soh
bwk die ke hospital A.S.A.P...
then nk dependekan dad bring him to the hospital,sume org ikot pg hospital..except untie aku n anak pompuan die n aku....

lpas jer dorg pg aku rse cm somthin wrong rse aku kne pg hospital..aku nk tau gak pe yg jadi..
then aku amek kunci kter vios spupu ku then trus pg with no d

then ble ku smpi tgh wat pemeriksaan..sume family members ku tgu dgn debar2..
so lpas 20 mnit rawatan djalankan..doctoc came up with the result..his "DEAD"
BLE DGR jer ayt tu sume org cm tak percaye...n in that moment evry body start cryin..

pergh pedih gle sial klu ku jd mak die...raye thun ni dh x bermakne dh wat family die 2 org sklai gus pg tglkan mak die ...aku pon cm xcaye umur die baru 25 thun die xsakit sah kan die mngal kategori die dh jd kes polis...

kesian mayat arwah..ayah die mngal jd kes polis then arwah mngal pon jd kes polis...
kne wat post moterm..aku xsngop tgk ksan jahitan kat mayat tu..ckuplah skali time aku mndikan arwah bpak die...

aku ikot abg ipar spupu aku uruskan mayat die dari bilik bedah forensik di hospital besar tunku ampuan rahimah...hingalah die dikebumikan...

"banyak kenangan aku dgn die..sjak kecil lagi ku bermain bersama kenakaln ku dan die ketika kecik dulu wat aku dan die rapat..kini ko pergi tgalkan kenangan...semoga jasad mu dicucuri rahmat di bulan yg mulia ini d bulan ramadhan.."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sedih gle....takziah...